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This research investigated the correlation between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and postgraduate students in universities located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Utilizing a convenient sampling technique, a sample size of 367 postgraduate students (MS/M.Phil &
PhD) from three esteemed universities in the region participated in the study. Employing a correlation research design and utilizing the Survey research method, the study employed Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS), a 33-item standardized questionnaire, to collect data from participants. Academic success was gauged through students' Grand Point Average (GPA). Data collection involved personal visits to relevant departments, libraries, and hostels with permission obtained through proper channels from the respective Head of
Departments. Data were subjected to analysis using SPSS version 22. Priorto analysis,scale reliability and data normality were ensured through PP-Plots and Histograms. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as mean, median, mode, simple percentage, standard deviation, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation were employed to fulfill the study's objectives. Findings indicated that a significant proportion of respondents exhibited moderate (56.67%), high (26.15%), and very high (12.0%) levels of emotional intelligence. The research underscores the importance of incorporating emotional intelligence into information literacy curriculum, as these skills can alleviate information-seeking anxiety. The study proposes hiring trained consultants and implementing targeted training programs to enhance emotional intelligence among postgraduate students, thereby positively influencing their academic success. These insights offer valuable implications for academicians, psychologists, library practitioners, and information professionals in addressing students' information-seeking anxieties and enhancing emotional intelligence skills
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